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4.0 Specific Findings and Recommendations on Current Standards

This section provides more detail on the findings emerging from the Panel's review of current forest practice standards in Clayoquot Sound. The discussion follows four main themes: maintaining watershed integrity-which includes soil, surface erosion, slope stability, water flow, water quality, and channel integrity; maintaining biodiversity; recognizing First Nations' values; and maintaining scenic resources, recreation and tourism values.11 Each theme presents:

These findings and recommendations will guide the development of standards for sustainable forest practices in Clayoquot Sound, which will form the basis of our final report.

4.1 Maintaining Watershed Integrity

Watersheds are the natural functional units of the landscape.

Watersheds are the natural functional urtits of a landscape, within which the many components of an ecosystem are connected through transfers of energy, water, and matter. Watershed integrity represents the sustained normal regime of those transfers, which depends upon the stability of bedrock, soils, and landforms. Watershed integrity is the necessary physical basis for the security of the forest and stream ecosystem.

The landscape of coastal British Columbia is ever-changing. However, natural change is slow, taking place over thousands of years. Major storms and large events such as landslides occur as part of long-term change. Such events may be catastrophic for some living parts of ecosystems, but the biota is adapted to survive or recover from occasional high-impact events.

In systems where humans have intervened heavily, the rate and degree of environmental change, and the frequency of high-impact events may significantly reduce soil, slope, and stream channel stability. The biota of systems affected may not adapt rapidly enough and, consequently, will be at substantially greater risk of loss.

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In the past, many concerns about forestry-related effects on ecosystems centered around impacts on fisheries. These impacts were often the cause of serious land management conflict. From the late 1950s, attention focused on the effects of increased sediment and water temperature on fish and fish habitat. Sediment effects on fish directed attention to questions of soil erosion and slope stability. Over time, research has shown that channel integrity, large woody debris in channels, and the riparian area also affect fish and fish habitat.

Effective ecosystem management conserves fisheries, wildlife, and biodiversity.

The Panel assumes that if ecosystem management is carried out successfully, special values associated with fisheries, wildlife, and biodiversity will be conserved. Management procedures that maintain watershed integrity will provide ecological protection for terrestrial and aquatic life, and for fisheries values.

The following four subsections consider components of watersheds that must be maintained to attain watershed integrity.

4.1.1 Soils, Slope Stability, and Erosion

The landforms, surficial materials, and soils12 of Clayoquot Sound are a legacy of the last glaciation and over 12000 years of post-glacial weathering and erosion. The valleys that penetrate Vancouver Island mountains are glacial troughs, with steep, rocky mid to upper slopes and gentler lower slopes commonly covered by thick glacial till. Near the mouths of larger valleys and on the Estevan coastal plain, glacial outwash and marine sediments occur. On the floors of the larger valleys, floodplains, fluvial fans, modern deltas, and estuaries have formed in recent millennia. On the steep slopes above, weathering and gravity have modified and redistributed the glacial and bedrock materials through landslides.


Surface materials are an important component of a watershed because they support plants, regulate the flow of water and the supply of sediment to streams, and provide the substrate for roads. Surface materials can be viewed from two distinct but related perspectives: physical (surficial materials) and ecological (soil).

Accelerated soil erosion degrades forest sites and aquatic habitat.

From a physical perspective, maintaining soil and slope stability, and preventing surface erosion are key concerns. Loss of soil through erosion can be compensated for only very slowly, by weathering of surficial materials or bedrock and by accumulating organic matter. When soil and surficial materials are eroded in new ways or at accelerated rates compared to natural "background levels," terrestrial ecosystems are degraded, and the sediments produced can

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cause undesirable changes in associated aquatic ecosystems. From an engineering perspective, processes such as landsliding and how surficial materials respond to manipulation such as road construction, are of particular interest.

Ecological and silvicultural interests in soil relate to its ability to support plants. Soil provides the necessary physical, chemical (nutritional), and biological conditions for plant growth. Soil also regulates the entry, storage, and flow of water and solar energy. Differences across the landscape in soil properties, and resulting capabilities, largely determine the pattern and productivity of ecosystems. Changes in soils because of their use can enhance (usually short term) or damage (usually longer term) soil capability.

On steep slopes in Clayoquot Sound, debris slides and flows are a significant process of soil erosion.

On Vancouver Island's steep slopes, weathering and gravity result in various types of landslides. Rockfalls and rockslides result from the collapse of rock faces and bluffs-sites often too steep to support closed forest and therefore not usually affected by logging.

Debris slides and flows result from a combination of steep slopes, discontinuities between the permeable soil and relatively impermeable surficial materials or bedrock, and heavy rainfall. During prolonged heavy rainfall, at times augmented by snowmelt, water moving down through the soil accumulates above less permeable material. This accumulation leads to higher pore water pressure, reduced soil strength and, on vulnerable sites, the eventual sliding of soil. Earthquakes and wind stresses transmitted to the ground via trees and windfall may also trigger debris slides and flows.

Clearcutting on steep slopes increases the frequency of debris slides and flows by disturbing soil during yarding, triggering windfall along cutblock edges, and reducing soil strength when the root web decays following cutting. Inadequately built or maintained roads can create unstable cutslopes and fillslopes, and alter slope hydrology triggering slides some distance downslope (see Section 4.1.2).

Accelerated surface erosion by water (including raindrop, sheet, rill, and gully erosion) occurs in Clayoquot Sound forests when the continuity of the protective forest floor is broken, and erodible mineral soil materials are exposed. This exposure occurs mainly along roads and landings, and on areas affected by slides and windfall. Surface erosion can result from poorly planned or poorly applied logging methods.

Roads are a major source of sediment in Clayoquot Sound forests.

Roads are usually the main source of sediment, particularly in the absence of slides and streambank erosion. Concentrated water flows along ditches are a potential continuing source of sediment, although this erosion can be reduced substantially by designing and constructing roads tailored to the local materials and by applying erosion control measures.

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The physical, nutritional, and biological character of soil must be maintained to preserve its productive capability. Management of organic matter is central to all three characteristics. Organic matter on the forest floor and in the mineral soil improves the physical properties of the soil (e.g., density, porosity, permeability), affecting its infiltration capacity, water retention, and water flow. This improves the soil's resistance to surface erosion by water, and provides a more favourable physical environment for plant roots.

Because forest soils in Clayoquot Sound are relatively strongly weathered for their age, and consequently have low pH and base saturation, most "available" nutrient elements reside in soil organic matter. The mineral soil component is more important in providing a physical medium and support for plants than in storing nutrients. Ecosystem function and productivity are maintained by efficient cycling of a limited stock of nutrients. Organic matter on the forest floor and within the soil is the main source of energy and nutrients for a highiy complex community of soil animals and microorganisms. These organisms are critical to the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling, and other specialized functions such as nitrogen-fixation and mycorrhizal symbiosis.

Even shallow organic soils over bedrock have surprisingly good capability to support forests. When shallow soils are present, forests can successfully colonize denuded areas in 50 to 150 years, prior to redevelopment of a deep mineral soil.

Soil organic matter must be maintained to maintain forest productivity.

Soil organic matter must be maintained to maintain forest productivity. Maintaining soil capability must allow for change in soil properties over time (e.g., during forest succession). The key questions are how much change is acceptable, and over what time period. This time period varies between vegetation subzones and from site to site. After a major disturbance, forest soil will not be fully redeveloped until a late-successional forest appears- approximately 200 to 300 years in Clayoquot Sound. However, essential soil properties can recover in these organically-dominated soils in about two decades after the forest canopy closes.



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Both objectives are inherent to soil conservation. Achieving the first objective is a prerequisite to water conservation, and to achieving the second objective.


Although considerable progress has been made recently in understanding and avoiding soil instability, current standards do not adequately meet these two objectives.

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Recommendations About Soils, Slope Stability and Erosion

  1. Develop standards that maintain natural conditions of slope instability, erosion, and sediment input to all streams.
  2. Identify and map areas of land, soils, and ecosystems capable of sustained production, as well as areas with sensitivities that prevent the sustainable harvesting of ecosystem products. Then, define "production forest" and "protection forest" in terms of terrain, soil, ecosystem, and site characteristics, and the "operable forest" in terms of economics and technology. The area considered production forest will not change with time unless new insight is gained from research. The operable portion of the production forest will shift in time, as economic factors change and technology develops.

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  3. Define methods and levels for mapping terrain and assessing slope stability. Apply these methods and levels consistently in developing Total Resource Plans, Development Plans, and operational plans.
  4. Carry out a landslide inventory in conjunction with initial terrain and slope stability mapping.
  5. Improve the location, design, construction, maintenance, and deactivation of roads and road drainage structures (e.g., ditches, stream and cross-drain culverts) to meet the demands of the wet, coastal climate.
  6. Improve road design and construction techniques to better maintain natural hillslope hydrology and drainage.
  7. Re-establish vegetative cover on cutslopes, fillslopes, and landslide scars consistently and promptly following disturbance (except on bedrock or clean shot-rock). Monitor the effectiveness of re-vegetation efforts and undertake follow-up work as needed.
  8. For major watersheds develop comprehensive sediment and erosion control plans and programs that:
  9. Reserve as protection forests, areas where slopes, soils, and surficial materials have a high hazard of sliding when disturbed by logging.
  10. Apply partial cutting methods to retain root strength on sites with moderate slope stability hazard, and in localized areas of high hazard where retaining small patches of standing trees poses a high risk of windfall.
  11. Conserve the accumulated soil organic material of thin soils. Develop appropriate silviculture and logging plans to protect thin soils on steep, rocky slopes and on areas of hummocky or ridged bedrock.
  12. Protect poorly-drained forest sites and wetlands by designing and constructing roads and road drainage, and managing adjacent upland forests in ways that ensure water tables are not altered.

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    4.1.2 Water Flow


    Forest harvesting changes the runoff regime.

    The volume and seasonal pattern of water flows in watersheds affect the timing of many events and ecological processes (e.g., fish migration and algal production in streams). Water mobilizes nutrients for uptake by plants and animals, and transfers mineral and organic particulate material. Water on hillsides may initiate erosion, including landslides and debris flows.

    Maintaining the normal volume and timing of water flows depends on maintaining the natural drainage system. Forest harvesting changes the balance of evaporation and runoff so that, for some years after logging, runoff is greater than it would have been if the forest had not been removed. Alteration of natural drainage systems may also substantially increase peak runoffs. These changes can benefit fish production during summer periods of low flow but they can also cause major damage in stream channels and aquatic ecosystems.

    Changes in the natural range of flows increase soil erosion and threaten stream channel integrity.

    In the steep, small watersheds typical of Clayoquot Sound most precipitation seeps into the permeable forest soils and moves downslope in subsurface drainage channels. Interruption of these pathways by cut-and-fill roadbuilding on slopes brings the water prematurely to the surface, and often redistributes surface drainage. Slope stability problems, gully erosion, increases in debris flows, and increases in sediment delivery to stream channels often follow this change in drainage pattern.

    The runoff regime, including the incidence and magnitude of high flows, depends on the pattern of cutblocks in the landscape, the degree of surface disturbance throughout the watershed, the density and layout of roads, and the rate of cut. Vegetation and soil filter and transform water inputs into runoff; the manipulation of vegetation and soil influences the operation of the filter. The integrity of the drainage system is affected by road layout, construction, and maintenance practices, and by log-yarding methods. Measures that maintain the natural drainage regime contribute significantly to the maintenance of water quality and to slope and soil stability.


    • To preserve the fundamental timing of ecological processes associated with water flows.
    • To minimize soil erosion.


    • To maintain water flows within the range of natural variability on both a seasonal and event basis.
    • To maintain the natural drainage system on hilislopes.

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    Principles related to runoff regimes are incorporated into forestry planning documents and manuals (notably, the Coastal Watershed Assessment Procedure). Drainage is a major subject in the Forest Road and Logging Trail Engineering Practices. In particular, guidelines about deactivating roads deal with establishing conditions to stabilize the drainage system. Aspects of drainage that affect stream channel integrity are incorporated into the British Columbia Coastal Fisheries/Forestry Guidelines. However, these documents do not take full account of the natural drainage pattern. Our findings are listed below.

    • No formal requirement exists for information about the drainage network to be developed in sufficient detail to ensure that road construction and cutblock layout will minimize disturbance of the drainage network and runoff.
    • Although provisions for road drainage are well detailed and recognize the problem posed by drainage diversions (Forest Road and Logging Trail Engineering Practices), no provisions assure that drainage design conforms with the natural drainage pattern.
    • Hydrological analyses that would constrain land use practices to maintain runoff within the range of natural variability are not required.
    • Recommended road construction practices include procedures that disturb the natural drainage pattern by forcing water to the surface at hillslope cuts.
    • With the exception of some measures related to road design and construction practices, regulations and guidelines about water management and control are not mandatory, and are practically unenforceable.

    Recommendations About Water Flow

    1. Map permanent and ephemeral stream channels, evident seepage zones, and other significant hydrological features during pre-harvest terrain analysis. Apply this information to plan road and site development with minimal disturbance of the natural drainage network.
    2. Establish regulations for the design and maintenance of road drainage that require natural drainage routes be maintained.
    3. Design cutblock layout and harvest sequence at the watershed level to minimize disturbance of the natural runoff regime and to maintain flows within the range of natural variability.
    4. Apply rate-of-cut criteria within watersheds greater than 200 ha in area.

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    4.1.3 Water Quality


    Protecting water quality within a stream ecosystem requires maintaining safe thermal regimes, controlling suspended sediment concentration, retaining natural levels of nutrients, and avoiding release of toxic materials. Unfavourable temperature, sediment, and nutrient levels each affect parts of an aquatic system. These effects vary with the intensity of disturbance.

    The rates and timing of many natural processes are controlled by water temperature.

    Increase in water temperature affects macroinvertebrate production and many elements in the biology of fish. The latter include fish growth, fish egg incubation rates and consequent timing of fry emergence, timing of fish movements, interspecific competition, stress, disease, and mortality.

    Alteration of rates of processes such as egg incubation may affect the timing of critical events (e.g., fry movement to sea) and attainment of important growth stages (e.g., smolt transformation and timing of migration). These changes can increase or decrease the success of a particular population of fish depending on the species or life stage affected.

    Increases in the concentration of suspended sediment can reduce algal production in streams, displace or eliminate species of macroinvertebrates, and affect fish in a range of ways. At low concentrations suspended sediment may alter fish social behaviour, territorial stability, and feeding effectiveness. As concentration increases, fish may suffer from gill impairment, physiological stress, changes in blood chemistry; at high sediment concentrations, fish may die. The impacts suspended sediment have on fish depend on both the concentration and duration of exposure. Fish are adapted to withstand episodic exposure to suspended sediment, but it is an undesirable and stressful environmental element where it occurs.

    The fluctuations of nutrient release after logging and during post-logging silviculture treatments influence productivity in the aquatic ecosystem.

    Falling, yarding, and slashburning after logging make ions and nutrients in the soil more readily avallable for transport by water. The rate of nutrient loss from a logged area changes over time. After logging, the flux of nutrients through a stream system increases in the short term, but decreases over the long term relative to pre-logging conditions. Short-term increases in nutrient levels have potentially positive effects on the production of stream algae and, hence, stream insects. The short-term benefits may be less than optimal because much of the nutrient influx after logging may be lost through export during autumn and winter freshets. These nutrient-export rates are particularly high if slashburning has occurred. Following these short-term upsurges, stream nutrient levels decrease during second-growth generation and may fall below levels that occurred in the old-growth forest stage.

    A distribution in the landscape of early-, mid-, and late-successional forest stages must be maintained to balance nutrient release, retention and cycling. A balanced distribution also favourably influences the thermal, sediment, and water flow regimes of the stream system.

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    Introduction of toxic chemicals into the ecosystem can cause sublethal effects difficult to detect.

    Toxic chemicals, released through spills or seepage into aquatic ecosystems, may have different effects on the components of the system depending on the nature of the chemical and its concentration. Release of herbicides may eradicate macrophytes. Such plant loss will in turn reduce stream insect production. Other toxic chemicals, such as brake fluid, diesel fuel, gasoline, oil, and pesticides in the aquatic system may produce a range of effects on macroinvertebrates and fish. Exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of toxins over a prolonged period, or higher concentrations over a short period, may alter the behaviour and survival of fish or invertebrates. Exposure to lethal concentrations of toxic chemicals obviously results in the loss of invertebrates and fish.


    • To manage land use practices so that critical elements of water quallty remain within natural ranges and follow natural patterns within the ecosystem.
    • To ensure that overall ecosystem productivity is maintained over the long term (hundreds of years).
    • To maintain the productivity of fish populations and other biota.


    • To maintain the stream thermal regime within the natural range for the system, including maintalning the timing of seasonal thermal changes, the range of daily fluctuations, and the levels of maximum temperatures.
    • To minimize both concentration and duration of suspended sediment in aquatic ecosystems.
    • To minimize the export of nutrients from the ecosystem in the period between logging and forest re-establishment.
    • To prevent the entry of toxic chemicals into the hydrological system.


    These water quality objectives are explicitly or implicitly recognized in current standards and guidelines for forest practice. Many of the measures that reduce suspended sediment levels will be the same as those that reduce impacts from other slope and soil-related problems such as slides and debris flows.

    The British Columbia Coastal Fisheries/Forestry Guidelines attempts to deal with such management concerns. These guidelines, which have evolved over a 10-year period of constructive interaction between forest and fishery managers from the

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    provincial and federal governments and forest industry, incorporate much useful experience.

    Our findings about current standards on water quallty follow.

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    Recommendations About Water Quality

    1. Designate floodplains, gully complexes, and alluvial fans as riparian management zones to recognize physical and ecological connections.
    2. Revise the current British Columbia Coastal Fisheries/Forestry Guidelines to make enforceable those sections related to sediment loading and nutrient flushing.
    3. Recognize the value of and develop plans that maintain aquatic ecosystems with and without fisheries resources.
    4. Develop appropriate operational definitions for processes where additive and cumulative effects occur. 18
    5. Conduct research to improve understanding of the effects of slope clearcutting on groundwater and stream thermal regimes.
    6. Impose constraints on the rate-of-cut and consequent area in early- and mid- successional forest at any given time.
    7. Prevent the discharge of oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, pesticide, or other toxic material onto the ground or into any part of the aquatic system. Maintain a system for cleaning up toxic materials accidentally spilled.

    4.1.4 Channel Integrity


    West coast British Columbia streams have high hydrological energy. Their natural flow regimes are sufficiently dynamic to cause rapid changes in channel conditions if the soil and vegetation of hillslopes or riparian areas are disturbed. These changes may be more rapid or severe if land-use practices cause more extreme flows.

    Slope stability must be maintained to prevent increased sediment in streams, and to maintain channel integrity.

    Channel integrity is an indicator of slope stability within a watershed. The character of the downstream channel is largely determined by the volume of sediment delivered to stream channels from hillslopes. The volume, stability, and distribution of large woody debris, the rate of channel bank erosion, and the frequency of lateral relocation of the channel are measures of channel stability.

    Further indicators of rates of change of channel stability include scour-rates, sediment-deposition rates, degree of channel aggradation and consequent dewatering during low flows, and the increase in channel width-to-depth ratio.

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    Flushing of gravel from the upper parts of a stream system, and excessive rates of deposition in the lower parts are symptoms of destabilization of channel integrity. Loss of channel stability is indicated in the short term by changes in gravel "quality," and over the long term, by changes in gravel budgets (i.e., the amount of gravel stored in headward gullies, and the rate of gravel movement through the stream and gravel deposition in the lower reaches or estuary).

    Rapid changes in channel environments may disrupt elements in the system that are critical to fish production. This may reduce production of food organisms, alter rates of fish growth, and disrupt patterns of habitat use and distribution. Such changes may also reduce fish numbers or dramatically increase fish population fluctuation, either of which increase the risk of population collapse.

    Stream channel integrity must be maintained over the entire length of the drainage system to sustain the structure of the aquatic ecosystem and populations of aquatic organisms.

    Large woody debris is critical to channel integrity and stream productivity in small coastal streams. Accumulations of woody debris store sediments and particulate organic matter. The latter plays a key role in biotic production in small streams. Large woody debris structures create riffles and a spectrum of different types of pools. These microhabitats are essential for insect and fish production. The debris is essential cover for fish, particularly during winter. Lateral movement of the channel results in transport and deposition of additional sediment. In many coastal streams, this sediment destroys secondary channels (which are particularly important for rearing of young fish), fills in downstream pools, and reduces the quality of chum saimon spawning areas near the stream mouth.

    Channel aggradation and increase in the width-to-depth ratio result in potentially undesirable conditions for fish production. Dewatering of the channel occurs during periods of low discharge because the water flows below the gravel surface. Increased water temperature occurs with the increased surface area per unit volume of water. The increase in scour and deposition that accompanies channel aggradation may destroy fish eggs or young fish which are hiding in the streambed, and may temporarily reduce the density of resident and driting stream insects. All of these changes typically are accompanied by increased concentrations of fine sediment, which clog spawning gravels and directly stress fish.


    To manage watershed systems to prevent alterations in hydrological regimes, increases in sediment input, and loss of riparian vegetation, which result in loss of channel integrity and dependent biological productivity.

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    • To maintain full-length stream channel integrity.
    • To maintain the character of the riparian area and the integrity of the channel in the floodplain of the stream.
    • To minimize the deposition of fine sediment and sand in the channel system, and maintain the quantity and quality of spawning gravel used by fish.
    • To maintain the structural diversity of the channel by maintaining the volume, stability, and distribution of large woody debris.
    • To manage the floodplain and the riparian area to assure a continuing supply of large woody debris to the channel.
    • To manage the slopes and gully systems to maintain at natural frequency the episodic input of large volumes of broken woody debris.


    Forestry practices in coastal British Columbia frequently result in hillslope failures, debris slides, and sediment loading that directly disturb the stream channel. Prescriptions for road layout, construction, and maintenance, and for designating riparian zones must be more effective to prevent these problems. Such prescriptions are well developed in the British Columbia Coastal Fisheries/Forestry Guidelines for channel zones in Class A and B streams.19 Slope stability is addressed in Forest Road and Logging Trail Engineering Practices guidelines. However, these documents do not sufficiently recognize how important the headwater stream channels and gullies are in mobilizing and transferring sediments into productive reaches.

    Our findings about channel integrity follow.

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    Recommendations About Channel Integrity

    1. Designate and manage riparian management zones to ensure that an adequate future supply of large woody debris is available along the immediate reach of the stream channel, even if a reach of the channel moves elsewhere on the floodplain.
    2. Maintain a leave strip to protect stream channel integrity in all stream reaches with flowing water or with intermittent flows which may transport sediment or debris. Do not remove trees from this leave strip even if it seems likely that they will blow down.
    3. Complete and implement procedures for assessing risk of debris and sediment transport from gully systems.
    4. Implement measures to avoid creating hydrological conditions in which extremely high water flows destabilize banks and dislodge large woody debris.
    5. Implement measures to avoid increasing sediment inputs from upslope areas into any reach of the stream channel or other part of the aquatic system. Deal with all potential sources of sediment including those associated with yarding, building bridges and landings, and building, maintaining, and deactivating roads.
    6. Revise the British Columbia Coastal Fisheries/Forestry Guidelines to ensure that sections affecting the maintenance of channel integrity are written in enforceable language.

    4.2 Maintaining Biodiversity


    Ecosystems provide essential ecological services.

    Biodiversity means the full variety of living organisms. It includes all animals, plants, and microscopic organisms living in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. Biodiversity also includes the genetic variation within and among populations of each of these species. There are thousands of living species in Clayoquot Sound, many of them not yet discovered and described by scientists. Little is known about the ecological requirements of those described beyond the kinds of habitats in which they are found. The challenge of conserving biodiversity is to protect, over the long term, all these species and genetic variants from serious declines or extinctions caused by human activities.

    Primary reasons for conserving biodiversity are:

    • Conserving biodiversity is a prerequisite to sustaining ecosystem integrity, which depends on interactions among a broad range of the ecosystem's component species, both known and unknown.

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