1. NIS maps were designed to replace the functionality of UNIX ______ files. a. /sys b. /usr c. /etc d. /var Answer: 2. What is the file that controls the behavior of the syslog daemon? a. /etc/syslog.config b. /usr/lib/syslogd.conf c. /etc/syslog.conf d. /var/syslog.dat e. /etc/syslogd.conf Answer: 3. True or False: A NIS or NIS+ auto_master map can have more than one direct map entry. a. True b. False Answer: 4. Use the ______ command to remove any products that are added to the Solaris Operating Environment using installation wizards. a. prodreg b. pkginfo c. pkgrm d. pkgchk Answer: 5. What is the purpose of the /etc/security/exec_attr file? a. To associate users and roles with authorizations and execution profiles. b. To define authorizations and their attributes c. To list a profiles assigned authorizations and identify the help file. d. To define the priveledged operations assigned to a profile. Answer: 6. What action should be performed on a filesystem before running fsck on it? a. The filesystem should be deleted b. The filesystem should be umounted c. The back filesystem should be umounted d. The filesystem should be mounted Answer: 7. Which option for the mount command prints the list of mounted filesystems in the /etc/vfstab format? a. -r b. -F c. -p d. -o Answer: 8. Which command will add existing user JIM01 to the role of SYSADMIN? a. usermod -R JIM01 SYSADMIN b. useradd -R SYSADMIN JIM01 c. rolemod -R JIM01 SYSADMIN d. usermod -R SYSADMIN JIM01 Answer: 9. Which file would you edit to have an NFS share automatically mounted when the system boots? a. /etc/dfs/sharetab b. /etc/vfstab c. /etc/rmtab d. /etc/mnttab e. /etc/dfs/dfstab Answer: 10. What file is used in a Jumpstart installation to classify a jumpstart client and determine which installation configuration to use? a. bootparams b. sysidcfg c. ethers d. class e. rules Answer: 11. What file does the syslogd daemon use to determine which machine has been defined as LOGHOST? a. /etc/syslog.conf b. /etc/hostname.hme0 c. /etc/hosts d. /var/adm/messages e. /etc/nodename Answer: 12. Which file(s)/map(s)/table(s) are used by the in.rarpd daemon? a. timezone b. ethers c. bootparams d. hosts e. locale Answer: 13. The Solaris AdminSuite GUI can be used by the superuser or the _______. a. daemon group b. wheel group c. sysadmin group Answer: 14. What file determines what name service is used as a resource for information by the system libraries? a. /var/yp/binding/`domainname`/ypservers b. /etc/nsswitch.conf c. /etc/nodename d. /etc/hosts Answer: 15. Use the _____ command to specify the name or location of core files produced by abnormally terminating processes. a. dumpadmin b. dumpadm c. coreadmin d. coreadm Answer: 16. The ______ script is used to copy the OS from the Solaris CD-ROM to the hard disk of the install server. a. Setup_install_server b. Install_server c. Server_install d. Setup_server Answer: 17. ______ in the NIS environment are clients, including the NIS master and slaves. a. None of the Hosts b. Some hosts c. All hosts Answer: 18. The ________ can be used to improve performance of remote file systems (NFS) or slow devices such as CDROM drives. a. cacheFS file system b. swap file system c. tmpfs file system d. fdfs file system Answer: 19. When would you have to re-run the automount command? a. When you add an entry in the /etc/auto_nfs map b. When you add an entry to the /etc/auto_direct map c. When you add an entry in the /etc/auto_master map d. When you add an entry to the /etc/auto_home map Answer: 20. The script used to start and stop the automount daemon is ______. a. /etc/init.d/autofs b. /etc/init.d/auto.fs c. /etc/init.d/autofilesystem d. /etc/init.d/nfs.server Answer: 21. Which of the following are valid entries in the /etc/auto_home file? a. * hostC:export/home2/* b. /smithb hostB:/export/home/smithb c. doej hostA:/export/home/doej d. /$USER hostB:/export/home/$USER Answer: 22. Which NFS mount options will allow an autoclient to boot the quickest if an error occurs? a. fg b. hard c. bg d. soft Answer: 23. What does the "/-" entry in an /etc/auto_master file do? a. Defines a mount point for indirect maps b. Directs the automounter program to look at NIS and NIS+ databases c. Defines a mount point for special maps d. Defines a mount point for direct maps Answer: 24. Which file would you edit to have a directory automatically shared via NFS when the system boots? a. /etc/mnttab b. /etc/rmtab c. /etc/dfs/sharetab d. /etc/dfs/dfstab e. /etc/vfstab Answer: 25. Use the _____ utility to determine what information is actually travelling between systems. a. ping b. snoop c. rpcinfo d. spray Answer: 26. What are the two stages of security used by NIS+ when validating a principle's read, write, modify, or destroy request? a. File Permissions b. /etc/hosts.equiv file c. Authorization d. Authentication Answer: 27. Which of the following name services uses hierarchical domains? a. NIS+ b. DNS c. NIS d. FNS Answer: 28. What directory is cleared each time the machine is rebooted? a. /tmp b. /sys/tmp c. /etc/tmp d. /usr/tmp Answer: 29. When can slave servers update the NIS database? a. When the master server is completely offline b. When the master server delegates the ability c. When the ypxfer command is used d. None of the above Answer: 30. Which of the following are functions of the NIS/NIS+ services: a. Provide access to the internet b. Centralization of applications c. Centralization of Network information (Hosts, password information, etc) d. Ability to make programs Answer: 31. Which files are used to configure an hme0 ethernet interface? a. /etc/hostname.hme0 b. /etc/nodename c. /etc/hosts d. /etc/networks Answer: 32. Following an operating system crash, the _____ utility is executed during a boot up to retrieve the crash dump from the dump device. a. dumpadm b. devfsadm c. savecore d. coreadm Answer: 33. What command will show you the resources available for mounting by a remote client? a. nfsshares b. nfshare c. dfshares d. dfsshare Answer: 34. Which of the following are valid RBAC Configuration files? a. /etc/user_attr b. /etc/security/exec_attr c. /etc/prof_attr d. /etc/security/user_attr e. /etc/security/auth_attr Answer: 35. Which command will display which directories are being shared on other systems on the network? a. dfmounts b. dfshares c. dfshare d. finger Answer: 36. Which of the following utilities reference the RAW device path? a. newfs b. mount c. df d. fsck Answer: 37. What is the command that you use to span a filesystem across partition boundaries? a. format b. shrinkfs c. newfs d. growfs e. mkfs Answer: 38. After adding a diskless client, check to see if the appropriate entries are created in the ______ files. a. /etc/bootparams b. /etc/hosts c. /etc/nismaps d. /etc/ethers Answer: 39. Which of the following does striping enhance? a. Reliability b. Cost c. Speed d. Availability Answer: 40. Which commands can be used to display the system's hardware address? a. ifconfig b. banner c. snoop d. ping Answer: 41. Which command would you use to monitor a log file in real time? a. more -f b. tail -f c. head -f d. cat -f Answer: 42. If the nfs.server script does not read any NFS entries in the /etc/dfs/dfstab file, what will happen? a. It will start NFS daemons b. It will exit without running the NFS daemons c. It will default to running the defined threads Answer: 43. Solstice DiskSuite and ______ are the two Metadevice programs that Sun provides. a. Disk Manager b. StorEdge Volume Manager c. format Answer: 44. Which NIS daemon is responsible for changing your public key when you change your password? a. rpc.ypupdated b. ypserv c. ypasswdd d. rpc.yppasswdd e. ypxfrd Answer: 45. Which file maintains a list of all directories that are currently being shared by the NFS server? a. /etc/rmtab b. /etc/dfs/dfstab c. /etc/mnttab d. /etc/vfstab e. /etc/dfs/sharetab Answer: 46. True or False: JumpStart boot servers must reside on the same subnet as the JumpStart client in order to function. a. True b. False Answer: 47. Within the NIS domain, NIS slave servers: a. Do not contain the original /etc ASCII files (used to build NIS maps) b. Provide a single point of control for the entire NIS domain c. Contain the original /etc ASCII files used to build the NIS maps d. Contain copies of the NIS maps from the NIS Master server e. Provide load sharing on large networks Answer: 48. What files must be created or updated on the NIS master in order to add locale information to NIS? a. /var/nis/Makefile b. /etc/locale c. /var/yp/`domainname`/locale d. /var/yp/Makefile Answer: 49. The command and option to mount all of the NFS directories listed in the /etc/vfstab file is ______. a. mountall -d b. mountall -r c. mountall -f d. mountall -s Answer: 50. When making changes to the master map or creating a direct map, the best way to make the changes effective is by: a. stopping and starting the autofs filesystem b. rebooting c. stopping and starting the automountd daemon d. running the automount command Answer: 51. Using the below /etc/syslog.conf example: Where will daemon messages of level notice to be sent to? *.err;kern.notice;auth.notice /tmp/sysmsg *.alert;kern.err;daemon.err operator a. The user operator b. /etc/adm/messages c. /var/adm/messages d. /tmp/sysmsg Answer: 52. Which commands are used to troubleshoot network connectivity? a. rpcbind b. ping c. snoop d. reconnect Answer: 53. The directory that contains the NIS maps on a NIS server is ______. a. /var/yp/`domainname` b. /usr/yp/`domainname` c. /sys/yp/`domainname` Answer: 54. If you do not wish to use NIS maps in Jumpstart, you must use which file to answer sysidtool questions? a. sysidentcfg b. systemidcfg c. sysidcfg d. sysidconfig Answer: 55. What tool would you install on a server to centrally manage applications and documentation? a. SMC b. AdminSuite c. DiskSuite d. Admintool Answer: 56. Which of the following are criteria for being authorized to do administration of files, maps, or tables in Solaris Adminsuite? a. Member of the NIS+ Admin group b. Normal user in the wheel group c. root d. Normal user in group 14 Answer: 57. The command and option you would use to find out which maps you can see and what your master server is _______. a. ypwhich -n b. ypwhich -m c. ypwhich -a d. ypwhich -s Answer: 58. What are the back file system types for CacheFS? a. UFS b. HSFS c. PCFS d. NFS e. UDFS Answer: 59. Which three daemons only run on the NIS master server? a. lockd b. ypxfrd c. ypbind d. rpc.yppasswdd e. rpc.ypupdated f. ypserv Answer: 60. What are NIS database files called? a. Maps b. files c. nodes d. tables Answer: