Chapter 8

File Systems

A file system is a mounted directory and the file directory below it.
File sysems  may represent formatted disk partitions, remote file systems or internal system information
boot-time filesystem locations are specified in /etc/vfstab

Disk file sysem type:

UFS   Unix File System (default disk filesystem)  based on the BSD filesystem
HSFS   High Seirra File System   Used for CD-ROMs
PCFS   MS-DOS / Windows fike system PC File System
UDF   Universal Disk Format   used mostly on DVDs, but can be used for CD -ROMs and floppies

Virtual File Systems

Are RAM-Based (internatl to the system). 
Some represent internal system state
Some simply allow speeded-up file system acces

CACHE FileSystem used to speed access to slower filesystems, like CDROMs and NFS
File Descriptor File System   used for opening files by internal file descriptors (used internally by some programs)
LOopback File System  virtual filesystem, allows one part of the file system to appear to be in a second location
Used by strams protocal (some programs) for mounting file descriptors on top of files
allows filesystem access to the internal states of processes (running programs)
SPECial file File System  Special files represent IO/Devices and/or internal system states.
VM swap files (not usually visible)
TeMPorary FileSystem   stored in RAM/Swap... faster access than disk. Disappears on unount/reboot
Network File System   Default method of accessing remote UNIX filesystems

Creating a UFS filesystem:

newfs partition-name

partitions are usually inthe fomat:  /dev/rdsk/cN[tN]dNsN
(where N is a number)