Chapter 3  Installing solaris

Options (types of installs)

Solaris Web start:

Gui based installation that runs from the instal CD
also allows installation of other packates.
local or remote.

Network Installation
software is copied over network... Allows multiple installations with less hands-on work swapping CDs

Default JumpStart. 
New systems only installed on HD when sold.
automatically installs a default setup.
Completely hands-off

Custom Jumpstart.
Like Default JumpStart, but is set up on a local server.  Admin gts to set installation parameters.. Very powerful, and works well for multiple installations.

Platforms (CPUs) available:
Intel (X86 (pentium + up, including AMD+Cyrix/VIA))

Disk Space:
600MB (minimal installation) ~ 3GB (entire distribution)

Absolute minimum: 96MB
256MB+ preferred
Largest systems can currently handle 256GB+

CD-ROM or supported Network card

Packages Clusters & Groups

a set of related components
can include Programs, config files, manuals and their locations/permissions.
May include scripts for initialization and completion of installations.
Most packages include a removal script.

Software Clusters
A group of related packages.
SUNWCdtrun -> CDE (Common Desktop Environment)
SUNWCfwcp  freware compression Programs (gzip, bzip, info-zip, etc)

Software Groups
A group is a set of clusers that makes up a basic (initial) installation:

Core Operating Environment:  (SUNWCreq)  700MB
Absolute minimum group to have a fully working solaris system.
Does not include man pages, X-windows, Java, Compilers, etc

End User operating environment (SUNWCuser)  1.2GB